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Convention/Gathering News from MT SWO

Friday, September 27 and Saturday, September 28

Convention/Gathering News from MT SWO

Dear Sisters in Christ,

Please join your sisters from the Montana/Northern Wyoming Synodical Woman’s Organization for our biennial convention and gathering on Friday, September 27 and Saturday, September 28 at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Great Falls.

Our theme this year is “celebrate” in recognition that it is time to celebrate the our relationships, new and old with one another through our worship together and joy in our faith as well as the strength, resilience, and wisdom that define us. We will be joined on both days by our churchwide representative, Pastor Tracy Williams and on Saturday by Pastor Brenda Frelsi, Associate to the Bishop. Remember to bring your congregational unit’s Pool of Living Waters Donations which will be split between Our Savior’s Lutheran Church on the Rocky Boy reservation and Katie’s Fund. Much as we all enjoy the joyful noise made by pouring change into a bucket, checks are easier to take to the bank.

Please note that the registration fee of $50 covers both the Convention and the Gathering. Even if you are not attending as a voting member from your congregation, you are welcome to attend the convention and should definitely come for the catered dinner.

Please share this letter with members of your cluster and congregation.

Looking forward to seeing you in September.

Rebekah French, Montana Synodical Women’s Organization President

Registration forms available upon request.

Questions– contact Ella Tweton at 406-785-4171; 406-942-0324 or

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