2 Corinthians 9:6-8
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
Monetary Donations
Simply Giving
St. John’s invites you to participate in consistently supporting, growing and sustaining our church with our convenient and secure electronic donation online program.
With Simply Giving, you can easily set up a recurring giving schedule or make one-time contributions. We encourage you to help the church and set up a schedule of recurring contributions.
Start the on-line enrollment process or make a one-time donation now.
Give Plus

Material or batting for quilters for quilts and book bags
Book Bag Supplies
Goodies for Fellowship hour
Food, hygiene products, or warm clothing for Helena Middle School children in need
Giving Tree at Christmas Time
Snacks and meals for Vacation Bible School
Soups/Breads or Desserts for Lenten Suppers
Meal item, preparation or clean up for Mid-Week Connection

Serve on a Committee:
*Worship & Music
*Altar Guild
*Women of Saint Johns
*Quilters Guild
*Social Ministry
*Caring Friends
*Men's Fellowship
*Funeral Reception
*Church Council
Serve as a Sunday School or Vacation Bible School Teacher
Serve as a Greeter, Lector or Usher at Sunday Service
Serve mowing the grass or maintaining the gardens
Help with website and social media updates
Sing in the choir or play with the bells
Help with Family Promise
Help with Festival of Angels
Buy Free Trade Items
Support Cards for Kids